France Election Disaster


Today is a day of morning. The world was not informed of how dire the situation is at France because of media black outs and media corruption. For years millions of French in various sectors such as agriculture, police …  took to the streets in protest so I really cannot see how such an election was awarded to Macron.  However, Macron has a history of being an investment banker at Rothschild & Cie Banque. It was a Rothschild election and the people lost out in more ways than one.  What could possibly be transpiring in the banking world to create such strife even in the UK. Could it be that Rothschild has a new banking partner, Islamic banking?  All anyone can do now is smell a moldy macaroon that has robbed the French of their liberty, and country. More corruption, protesting and possibly a revolution is in the air. Only time will tell.


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